Place, Space, Continuity and Change

During the first half of this year, I had a fair few, more than usual, trips to my former city of residence, London. On one of these jaunts southward I experienced a sort of pang of realisation - Tottenham Court Road tube station made me sad. ‘But it has that effect on all, dear’ might be a natural response to such a declaration, but the sadness I felt, I realised, moved beyond the location’s inner-city-inherently-dull nature. Rather, the flash of melancholy I experienced came from the memory that was prompted - the last time I had oyster-carded my way through the barriers, I had been with my brother. I don’t recall why we were there or why we ultimately separated at that particular station, but there we indeed had been. I remember I handed Martin a tenner to enable sustenance for his stomach and nicotine-need for the afternoon before we headed for our different exits. I can still sense in my body the people who bumped into us both as I rummaged for my wallet. At the time of o...